Many thanks to all my loyal customers for shopping with me when I was back in Malaysia, your supports means a lot to me.
Are you ready for the latest and greatest?
Check out my latest inventory, new collections for your shopping pleasure. And check out my NEW LIMITED GRAND REOPENING price just for you!
I will hunt the latest and greatest designs at a reasonable price for you. You may browse this site as well as other retail websites so that it will be easier for me to get them for you.
I will hunt the latest and greatest designs at a reasonable price for you. You may browse this site as well as other retail websites so that it will be easier for me to get them for you.
The extremely good news is that your purchases can include but is not limited to Coach orders! Kate Spade, Cole Haan, Lamb, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Calvin Klein, Marc Jacobs, Michael Kors- all will be within your reach.
Should you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to drop me an email at shoppingwithayu@gmail.com
Few listed website for the shopaholic are:
And more as you wish :)